The founding of Zen Buddhism is traditionally linked to a story about the “Flower Sermon” given by Gautama Buddha, in which the Buddha simply stared at a flower.
The world was predicted to end in 1844 with the Second Coming of Christ, by William Miller, a New England Baptist itinerant preacher. Miller’s followers condemned all the churches of the day as apostate and “Babylon,” and warned Christians to come out of them. A great many did, and the “adventist” movement was born and grew rapidly.
Most Protestants do not classify the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) as a “cult.” Martin Luther, the catalyst of the Protestant Reformation, initially viewed the RCC as the true expression of Christianity which had been corrupted by false doctrines and unbiblical practices over time.
In 1869, Charles Taze Russell, a former Presbyterian and Congregationalist, encountered a Second Adventist congregation near his clothing store in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He later said regarding his early Adventist influences, “…though Adventism helped me to no single truth, it did help me greatly in the unlearning of errors, and thus prepared me for the Truth.”
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